Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stronger hit-maker city perform

John McCain was hammered by the Latino vote, hurting him in battleground states of Florida, Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico as he lost his presidential bid to Barack Obama. The Stronger hit-maker was in the city to perform and collect the Ultimate Urban prize at the MTV ceremony on Thursday. Nearly ever wrinkle in the game is immediately seen and studied, rewound and rehearsed from the triangle to the Princeton offense. only we have stumbled into the fall, dear readers, and this property promises to be more along the lines of Lara Croft Tomb Raider than, say, Super Mario Brothers. After having her appendix removed only two weeks ago, popular dancer Julianne Hough madeher comebackon Dancing with the Stars Tuesday,twisting the night away with her brother, Derek Hough,to the tune of Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire. The hopefuls had to sit in the bar at Londons posh Dorchester Hotel waiting for the singer, reports mirror.

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